Nr referencyjny
29 marca 2016
Administracja biurowa
Nazwa stanowiska
6 Month Business Developer Internship
Rodzaj pracy
staż/praktyki płatne
Ilość miejsc pracy
Ilość godzin w tygodniu
Opis firmy
ESPA or European Student Placement Agency is a recruitment agency whose goal is to find high quality internships for European students in the UK. We work closely with our host companies to ensure the positions provide students with a great experience, both professional and personal.
Zakres obowiązków
Working directly with our managing director you will be able to conduct a varied commercial approach including:
Research potential new host-companies
Use professional social networks to reach decision makers
Use social media to get relevant information
Participate in networking events
Participate in exhibitions
Call target managers to set up appointments
Face-to-face meetings
Follow up leads
Create attractive internship vacancy descriptions with host companies.
Personal Skills
Experience in business development in B to B
Willingness to be a part of a varied sales approach
Good communicator, both written and oral
Excellent time management skills
A willingness to learn and be part of a team
Work to instruction and on own initiative
Confident on the telephone
ESPA vacancies are open to all EU passport holders able to travel to the UK for an educational work placement, without the need for visa documents. You have to still be a student or have graduated in the last 12 months. Any student who is unsure of their visa situation should check with their university before applying.
High spoken and written English level is a must (C1/C2). Other language skills will be appreciated.
Oferujemy/Warunki zatrudnienia
BENEFITS: All ESPA’s services are free for students and alumni. The benefits are:
1) Paid Accommodation.
2) Paid Utility Bills (electricity, gas, water and council tax) + Internet Access
3) Commuter travel to work (accommodation will be found within an acceptable commuting distance from the workplace, if that requires more than a sensible walk then a bus/train ticket will be provided).
This will be sourced and managed on your behalf by ESPA. These benefits have an approximate value of 700€-1000€ per month (depending on location).
There is no salary over and above the benefits offered, unless specifically stated.
To know more, please visit:
Oferta dla osoby niepełnosprawnej
Klauzula o danych osobowych
"Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Studenckie Centrum Kariery moich danych osobowych, dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji obecnego i przyszłych procesów rekrutacyjnych przeprowadzanych przez W/W podmiot (zgodnie z Ustawa z dn. 29 08 1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych Dz. Ust. Nr 133 poz. 883 z późn. zm.). Powyższa zgoda dotyczy również załączonych przeze mnie ewentualnych dodatkowych dokumentów (CV, referencje, etc.). Wyrażenie zgody jest dobrowolne. Zgoda może być wycofana pisemnie w każdym czasie. Oświadczam, że zostałem/-am poinformowany/-ao prawie dostępu do treści moich danych osobowych oraz ich poprawiania i aktualizowania."
Nr referencyjny
29 marca 2016
6 Month Business Developer Internship
Sposób aplikacji
STEP 1) Please, register with us at
STEP 2) Please, send an email to
[email protected] with the reference code ESPBD1103 attaching your CV as a pdf file. A cover letter is always helpful.
Are you eligible?
ESPA vacancies are open to all EU passport holders able to travel to the UK for an educational work placement,
Kontakt do osoby rekrutującej
[email protected]