

Nr referencyjny



1 sierpnia 2016



6 Month Innovation Incubator Internship – Beyond Internal Combustion

6 Month Innovation Incubator Internship – Beyond Internal Combustion



Nazwa stanowiska

Innovation Incubator Intern

Rodzaj pracy

staż/praktyki płatne

Ilość miejsc pracy


Ilość godzin w tygodniu


Opis firmy

ESPA or European Student Placement Agency is a recruitment agency whose goal is to find high quality internships for European students and recent graduates in the UK. We work closely with our host companies to ensure the positions provide the candidates with a great experience, both professional and personal. The Host Company There is a significant opportunity to join a step out innovation and venture team within a major corporation, operating in the field of automotive and industrial lubricants. The innoVentures team is looking for 12 interns, who will be part of an innovative team, which has been running successfully for over three years building up a number of emerging businesses as well as an investment portfolio covering automotive and industrial sectors. The focus of the team is on the long term (5-10 years), looking beyond the current products and with the aim of future proofing the core business versus long-term trends and potential market disruptions.

Zakres obowiązków

The Role This opportunity will be attractive to students who wish to apply their specific skills and expertise in a progressive and challenging environment. The candidates shall bring the ability to think broadly and deeply about the world; specifically the rapidly emerging technologies and the social and environmental changes that underpin many of the wider global market disruptions in evidence today. The ‘Beyond Internal Combustion’ focuses on ideas, partners and innovators, which will help the company supporting advances in individuals’ mobility as well as goods transportation. They are particularly interested in technologies and capabilities such as: novel approaches for short range mobility (i.e. the last mile), support plays for new mobility solutions and emerging powertrain, and disruptive technologies for commercial goods transportation. Tasks  Investigate the feasibility of new business ideas generated by current innoVentures members, with the aim to help the company providing sustainable solutions for consumers in the context of accelerated demand for mobility in a low carbon world.  Analyse the business and market opportunities both globally and by market.  Set up and run test trials, aimed at finding out: What do users value and engage with or not? How do they react to various service related offers?  Develop a business strategy for the future commercialisation of the product/service analysed.


ESPA vacancies are open to all EU passport holders able to travel to the UK for an educational work placement, without the need for visa documents. You have to still be a student or have graduated in the last 12 months. Any student who is unsure of their visa situation should check with their university before applying. Personal Skills We are looking for students who have qualifications and experience in one of the following areas:  Business strategy and management.  Environmental sciences – urban infrastructure development.  Engineering background – Understanding of engineering materials – Design in the consumer, vehicle, or industrial area.  Technical education.  Digital expertise – which may include web design, software development, Internet of Things. Moreover, the right candidates should:  Wish to be part of a progressive group of like-minded individuals searching for new ideas and developing new business models.  Have a track record of successful teamwork with ability to work cross functionally.  Like to work in a more entrepreneurial environment where there is space for new ideas, wider thinking and ways of working and where supervision is more ‘light touch’ guidance rather than day-to-day management.  Act as self-starters, adaptive to change and can respond quickly and positively to revised scope and direction of activities.  “Can-do” attitude.  Demonstrate high level of energy, drive, enthusiasm and commitment. Duration and Start Date 6 months, starting mid-September 2016 Languages Fluent in written and spoken English (C1/ C2)

Oferujemy/Warunki zatrudnienia

All ESPA’s services are free for students and alumni. The benefits are: 1) Paid Accommodation. 2) Paid Utility Bills (electricity, gas, water and council tax) + Internet Access. 3) Commuter travel to work. This will be sourced and managed on your behalf by ESPA. These benefits have an approximate value of 1200€ per month. There is no salary over and above the benefits offered, unless specifically stated. To know more, please visit:

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"Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Studenckie Centrum Kariery moich danych osobowych, dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji obecnego i przyszłych procesów rekrutacyjnych przeprowadzanych przez W/W podmiot (zgodnie z Ustawa z dn. 29 08 1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych Dz. Ust. Nr 133 poz. 883 z późn. zm.). Powyższa zgoda dotyczy również załączonych przeze mnie ewentualnych dodatkowych dokumentów (CV, referencje, etc.). Wyrażenie zgody jest dobrowolne. Zgoda może być wycofana pisemnie w każdym czasie. Oświadczam, że zostałem/-am poinformowany/-ao prawie dostępu do treści moich danych osobowych oraz ich poprawiania i aktualizowania."