

Nr referencyjny

Ref: CAP2007


22 lipca 2015


Fareham, Hampshire


6 Months Digital Marketing Internship


Marketing / Reklama / Promocja i PR

Nazwa stanowiska

6 Months Digital Marketing Internship

Rodzaj pracy

staż/praktyki płatne

Ilość miejsc pracy


Ilość godzin w tygodniu


Opis firmy

The Host Company The company design and manufacture specialist computers for challenging environments and controlled applications. In a world where humans and technology are converging fast, they keep your applications running and ensure your computers are protected against failure, disruption and change. Role Working with systems integrators and OEMs across the energy, medical, transport, automation, communications, defence and security sectors. Whether it’s preventing life-saving equipment from malfunctioning, enabling mass transit systems to flow, or safeguarding strategic defence equipment in extreme desert conditions. With unique in-house design, production and testing facilities, they create computers to provide reliability, longevity and consistency.

Zakres obowiązków

Tasks  Using existing copy and imagery to create and update website pages, posts, media and publications using WordPress.  Using existing copy and imagery to build e-shot and e-news campaigns on an online marketing automation platform ready to be sent.  Managing social media campaigns using a social dashboard.  Fulfilling routine web maintenance tasks, for example fixing any broken links, while logging and reporting any problems as they are encountered.  Registering and maintaining the company’s entries on online directories.  Optimising website content in-line with current best practice for SEO.  Updating and monitoring PPC activities to optimise ad efficiency.  Gathering of campaign analytics from all online campaigns from marketing tools such as google analytics, and 3rd party channels.


Personal Skills Essential:  Social Media (especially Linked In, Hootsuite, Twitter).  Email Marketing, Marketing Automation Software (e.g. MailChimp, Hubspot, Marketo, Act-on).  Content Management / Blogging.  Prior role concerned with data administration / attention to detail.  Good written and oral communication skills.  Wordpress CMS.  Google analytics.  SEO. Desirable:  Digital Advertising.  Automated / Drip Marketing.  Online PR.  Online directories.  Basic web maintenance skills (e.g.: identifying and fixing broken links).  Google Adwords.  HTML / CSS.  PHP / SQL. Personal Attributes  A passion for digital marketing  Avid consumer/creator of content.  Up-to-date with advances in the digital/ online space.  Professional appearance and behaviour.  Self-motivated and able to multi-task handling multiple priorities.  Able to quickly learn and apply new skills, while continuously improving them.  Organised, tidy with good time management.  Able to handle pressure to meet deadlines.  Flexible, adaptable and accepting change.  Energetic, positive and curious.  Team player.  Challenge seeking with copious energy to deliver and to overcome any failures along the way.  Emotionally robust to be able to deal effectively and efficiently with performance management.

Oferujemy/Warunki zatrudnienia

BENEFITS: ESPA is free for students and alumni. Accommodation, utility bills, TV Licence, Internet Access and UK commuter travel to the place of work will be paid for by the host company. This will be sourced and managed on your behalf by ESPA. These benefits have an approximate value of 700€ per month. There is no salary over and above the benefits offered, unless specifically stated. To know more, please visit: The

Oferta dla osoby niepełnosprawnej


Klauzula o danych osobowych

"Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez Studenckie Centrum Kariery moich danych osobowych, dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji obecnego i przyszłych procesów rekrutacyjnych przeprowadzanych przez W/W podmiot (zgodnie z Ustawa z dn. 29 08 1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych Dz. Ust. Nr 133 poz. 883 z późn. zm.). Powyższa zgoda dotyczy również załączonych przeze mnie ewentualnych dodatkowych dokumentów (CV, referencje, etc.). Wyrażenie zgody jest dobrowolne. Zgoda może być wycofana pisemnie w każdym czasie. Oświadczam, że zostałem/-am poinformowany/-ao prawie dostępu do treści moich danych osobowych oraz ich poprawiania i aktualizowania."