

Nr referencyjny



19 czerwca 2015




PhD fellowships available through the SUURPh international training programme



Nazwa stanowiska

PhD fellowships available through the SUURPh international training programme

Rodzaj pracy

staż/praktyki płatne

Ilość miejsc pracy


Ilość godzin w tygodniu


Opis firmy

The Simula School for Research and Innovation seeks applicants for 4 PhD positions offered as part of a larger collaborative PhD programme between Simula, the University of Oslo (UiO), and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). This programme has been named SUURPh (the Simula-UiO-UCSD Research and PhD training programme), and more details can be found on the programme home page, and on the page for SUURPh applicants These pages should be consulted for general information regarding the programme and descriptions of all applicable projects that will be offered as part of SUURPh. You may need to open these links in a new window. In particular detailed descriptions of the projects being offered can be found on the Projects Page under the “Simula-hosted projects” section. Each project will require slightly different expertise and experience, but all are within the scope of computational biology and medicine. Thus, Simula is seeking motivated and independent students from a wide range of training backgrounds, but particularly with a strong working knowledge in computational and quantitative disciplines, to take up these doctoral fellowships. The duration of SUURPh doctoral fellowships will be 3 years, and the time of initiation will vary depending on the project but can be as early as June 1st 2015. All Simula-based SUURPh fellows will be enrolled as PhD students at the University of Oslo Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty.

Zakres obowiązków

As a SUURPh fellow at Simula you will work closely with your primary SUURPh supervisors in Oslo and at UCSD, and undertake coursework and training related to computational biology and medicine. In some cases the tasks of SUURPh fellows may involve some experimental procedures, but the majority of work will be focused on computational approaches to major questions in biology and medicine. As such, development of mathematical and computational techniques for analysing and reducing complex experimental data will be a common application for SUURPh fellows, as will be development of complex and sometimes large numerical simulations of biological or medical systems. Teamwork is an important feature of the Simula working environment, and all SUURPh fellows will be expected to conduct themselves in an engaged and participatory way with their peers and colleagues at Simula. An additional unique feature of the SUURPh programme is that SUURPh fellows will be required to conduct a portion of their doctoral research in San Diego. As such, all applicants should be prepared and eager to spend a portion of their degree (generally 6 months – 1 year) at UCSD.


Your Profile As mentioned above, the breadth of the SUURPh scope allows students of many training backgrounds to be excellent candidates for these fellowships. However, because the all projects are computational in their nature it is strongly recommended that applicants have a working background in programming and the mathematical/quantitative sciences. Beyond these general recommendations, the following requirements apply: 1. Completion of Masters in an appropriate field for the project/s of interest 2. Suitable academic performance in Masters and undergraduate coursework (academic records are required). 3. Strong quantitative and analytical skills is an advantage 4. Experience in developing software or analysis tools for biological or medical applications is an advantage 5. Good knowledge of the scientific field addressed by the project/s of interest is desirable 6. Good communication and interpersonal skills are necessary

Oferujemy/Warunki zatrudnienia

Simula Offers • An engaging and interactive working environment with highly competent and motivated researchers • High-standard facilities and offices located on the Oslo fjord only a 10 minute ferry ride or drive from Oslo centre• Competitive salary

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